Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fatherly Failure

Driving home today, Mother's Day, I traveled past a man on his ride-on mower presumably taking care of the lawn to please his wife. Thinking nothing of this, I turned my head and continued my drive. Before the man and his mower were completely out of my perif's I had to whip my head back and stare for a second in awe of his stupidity. In his arms was an infant, not a day over a year old. He was carrying his infant child under one arm while driving a vehicle with whirling death on the bottom. One slip, one bump, and his wife would never be able to celebrate Mother's Day again. I don't care how sure he is of his hands and his ability to steer that mower. Crazier things have happened.

The sad part is, this isn't the first time I have seen this particular mental midget carrying one of his children while mowing his lawn. Does he think its a ride? Stop being a cheapskate and take your kids to Canobie Lake Park for the day. I'm sure they'd appreciate the crappy old rides there a lot more than being subjected to your yard work.

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